Sardine fishing

Genre: Information film / Advertising film / Documentary film
Year: 1909
Runtime: 00:12:56
Description: An advertisement for the Chr. Bjelland & Co cannery in Stavanger. We follow the production process as Bjellands sardines are caught, cleaned, cooked and cured, then canned, labeled, packed and shipped. Factory workers are seen exiting the factory on their dinner break, and crates are stacked for export. This is followed by glimpses of Bjelland facilities in Stavanger and Skånevik further north. Finally, we see Norwegian actor Hauk Aabel and other guests at a fancy luncheon, where Bjellands sardines are served and fervently enjoyed.
Provider: Nasjonalbiblioteket
Rights: Not Copyright protected
Production company: Norsk Kinematograf AS
Colour: Colour
Sound: Without sound
Document type:
Collection: Fiction/non-fiction from the silent film collection
Original format: Video/mpeg
Language: en